Monday, June 1, 2009

Grisel and Griselita

Grisel and her daughter, Griselita have been in my post in the past. They´ve become very special to me. As you may remember, in December Grisel accepted Christ as her Savior. It´s been a struggle for her because of her husband abandoning her, but her faith is growing every day. She grew up Catholic and so has Griselita, but since December they´ve been coming to my church (Iglesia Bautista Miramonte) and are learning more about God´s Word. In Sunday school recently we were teaching on the 10 Commandments and idols. Griselita absorbed every word. She went home that night and asked her mom to help her clean out all their idols (statues of the Virgin Mary) from their house. I decided that she, even though 5 years of age, had the capacity to understand the gospel. That very week I invited them to my house and took Griselita through the life and death of Jesus. She too has accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Please continue praying for them and their growth in their walk with the Lord. Also, pray for them both as they are still struggling in their lives without a husband and father.

1 comment:

A. Amos Love said...

Praise Him

Found your blog on Blogger under missionaries.
and shared a little of your life
in El Salvador.

Sounds like quite and adventure
working with deaf children.

I'm sure you have collected many
interesting challenges and adventures
along the way.

Adventure is a favorite word.

Websters - A Bold undertaking,
where hazards are to be encountered,
and the outcome is based on unforeseen events.
A unique experience in one's own personal history.
Often of a romantic nature.

Sounds like Jesus to me.
Missionaries and adventure.
Can you have one without the other?

Thought this complimentary
e-book and website
might be a benefit to you
and those you serve.

God's Words of Comfort & Healing 
The Book  ✧  The Posters  ✧  The Words

An Absolutely Free E-Book and Website.
A Totally Free Download At:

Lots of 8x10 wall posters
proclaiming The Word of God.
Great for decorating kids rooms
and hospital rooms
and prison cells

Two Free E-Books and stuff about Jesus
collected over the years.

If you read "Love is Rising" in
God's Words of Comfort & Healing 
let me know what you think.

It's for folks dealing with a broken heart
and feeling unworthy. Yes even believers.

And sickness and dis...ease
caused by a broken heart.

Most think that they have to be both
The Potter and the clay.


Be blessed and be a blessing.

A. Amos Love -