The hurrican has been beating down on us with heavy rains, thank goodness tough no wids accompanied it. However the heavy rains caused rivers to rise at a rapid rate in the early hours of the morning whil everyone was sleeping.

This is the bridge where my friend Miriam lives. It was built last year after the rivers rose and killed 30 people. It was tumbled over by the force of the rushing waters. Praise the Lord she and her family are safe.

Many people lost loved ones and their homes were destroyed. Please pray for those people who are now homeless and are devastated in their losses.

Landscape was changed in many areas due to the rushing waters. Houses swept into the ocean and rivers.
Please pray for El Salvador.
update us on the progress!!!
Sorry, I´m so far behind on my blog. I´m now catching up and will soon be updated completely. Can´t believe I haven´t posted anything since Nov. Yikes, I´m really behind.
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