Vision: To know the Word of God through Salvadorian Sign Language to receive and share salvation of Jesus Christ.
Verse: Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Mark 16:15
Because this is a project that will lead many people to Christ, it is imperative that it be backed by prayer. Satan is already attacking the leaders of this group. We NEED your prayers! To pray specifically for the Bibl Translation Team is as follows:
- For the leaders to show that their lives are changed because of Christ.
- For obedience in each one on the team.
- For wisdom to know how to produce our Bible videos.
- For those chosen to be in the video, that their testimony and their lives be transparent, obedient to Him, so that God will be glorified.
- Pray for the Deaf to accept leadership roles in the church, and the Hearing to let go.
- Pray for the Bible Translation Project, that God will be glorified in all we do.
- Pray for the Bible Translation Team and their walk with the Lord.
- Pray for additional funds for equipment needed for Bible Translation Project.
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