Monday, January 31, 2011


We continue with our Bible Translation. The team has put the first part of the translation into their grammar and Grisel is signing the story to see if they are in agreement with the grammar and the signs. This is the first process and then we put it on video.

José Eduardo is working on the cutting and editing for our Sign Language Video. This is apart from the Bible Translation. There hasn´t been anything in print since 1996. We then ask some of the Deaf from the community to come in and make sure the Spanish and the signs are correct.


Agencia Misionera said...

DEAR BROTHERS: Thank God and the work of you for the tremendous effort to bring the gospel to people who do not listen.
Lic. Samuel Rodriguez
Executive director
El Salvador

Toni McAndrew's Blog said...

Thank you, we are truly working hard to get the Bible onto DVD into Salvadorean Sign Language so that the Deaf can Know Him!