LESSA Translating Team: This is the translating team. We meet each Saturday from 8am to 12noon to work on translating the American Sign Language Books into Salvadoran Grammar. They have no literature for teaching their language to the hearing (or the deaf for that matter)
. We are currently on Unit 11 with only one more unit to finish the first book. Five more books in order to finish. We are going line by line changing the grammar from ASL to LESSA. As you can see this is very tedious and time consuming. After we go through line by line we also have to put in on the computer. Please pray for speed in finish this project.
This is Fernando and he´s the newest member to the team. His parents are Alba and Misel. This is Fernando´s first sign: I love you!
Help Needed: Because of the extent of this and other major projects in the ministry I could use some help. I ask for prayer for someone to come and help with "computer work". It could be someone who wants to volunteer a week, several months or longer, to come to El Salvador and minister by putting these books on the computer. The person wouldn´t need to know Spanish or Sign Language, just the ability to type!
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