Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Visit to Ahuachapán

Ahuachapán is close to the Guatemalan boarder. It´s an hour and half from San Salvador. They have a ministry of about 10 deaf in attendance. We arrived Sunday after church to share our vision for the bible to be put on DVD so the Deaf can understand.
José Eduardo presents the DEMO DVD, while Grisel shares the ministry needs as Violeta interprets. Great teamwork!

God touched their hearts and they are excited to hear our vision and would like to help us in our endeavor. Great beginning to some help from other parts of El Salvador.


We continue our meetings every Saturday afternoon. We always begin with devotion, and then plan our next steps we need to take. Right now we are contacting different churches to visit where they have Deaf ministries.

Speaking Engagements - Conservative Congregation Christian Churches

Then Monday through Thursday I went to my Church Conference. This was the first one I´ve been able to go to in a long time.

I gave a seminar sharing about TBLESSA. I made some new contacts and pray that this will be a fruitful time.

One evening all the missionaries were invited in native dress to share about their ministry. I had fun meeting other missionaries. This is Lauren and Annie, when I left the states, they were little......not anymore. It was wonderful to see Pastor John and Kathryn again. I miss them. Didn´t get pictures of Josiah but he´s grown too.

Speaking Engagements - Eure Christian Church

There was not enough time Saturday or Sunday to visit 3 churches, so Pastor Michael Brinkley of Eure Christian Church, his wife Denise and their children and the Missions Chairman, Sallie Eure met me for lunch. There I was able to share the ministry and its needs as well as enjoy wonderful fellowship with some long time friends.

Speaking Engagements - Cypress Chapel Christian Church

Next church visit was with Cypress Chapel Christian Church, my home church. Sure made me homesick. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask someone to take pictures for me. A love offering was taken up and I had enough money to buy two items that were needed for TBLESSA:

1. External Hard Drive: 1 Terabyte
2. Bamboo: Electronic Drawing Board

In addition, two video cameras were donated to our team.

Speaking Engagements - Lynnhaven Presbyterian Church

First church I spoke at was Lynnhaven Presbyterian Church, my parent´s church. I began by signing a song while Lynn sang. This time however, I signed it in Salvadorian Sign Language.

A few from the Deaf Life Group were able to come and join us.

Thanks to Brenda and Wendy for Interpreting. Thanks to Scott (not pictured) for taking all the pictures.