Grisel and her daughter, Griselita have been in my post in the past. They´ve become very special to me. As you may remember, in December Grisel accepted Christ as her Savior. It´s been a struggle for her because of her husband abandoning her, but her faith is growing every day. She grew up Catholic and so has Griselita, but since December they´ve been coming to my church (Iglesia Bautista Miramonte) and are learning more about God´s Word. In Sunday school recently we were teaching on the 10 Commandments and idols. Griselita absorbed every word. She went home that night and asked her mom to help her clean out all their idols (statues of the Virgin Mary) from their house. I decided that she, even though 5 years of age, had the capacity to understand the gospel. That very week I invited them to my house and took Griselita through the life and death of Jesus. She too has accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Please continue praying for them and their growth in their walk with the Lord. Also, pray for them both as they are still struggling in their lives without a husband and father.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The group that meets every Saturday for working on the translation of the Sign Language Book finished at the end of April. For the last month, Grisel and I have been going over the revisions to find any errors. She has been working on getting all the pictures of the signs changed into Salvadoran Signs. We´re now through with this part, so now comes the printing of the books and teaching the Deaf how to use these as a way to teach their language. It´s been a long year in this process, but Praise the Lord the first book is finished. I will begin teaching the teachers on June 20th. Now we only have 5 more books to go, whew, I´m tired just thinking about it.
I want to thank the Portsmouth Reading Council for their help. The amount they sent will help with the purchase of these books so that the Deaf Teachers have the resources they need for teaching. I love how God puts desires in the hearts of others to help at just the exact time there´s a need. I serve an AWESOME God.
Sunday Bible Class
Saturday GED Program
Thursday Café
Yennifer has also taken over the Bible teaching on Thursday. We meet so that the Deaf can participate with Vision 2 Hear in evangelistic events.
They are learning different verses in the Bible.
We also have lots of Praise music which we sign to, and are learning various dramas which can be used to share about Christ in different events they attend. I´m now working with another Deaf, Fatima in teaching her to be the Bible Teacher to help Yennifer Saturdays and Thursdays.
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