CONAIPD: (top photo) This is an organization to help various individuals in El Salvador that are either deaf, blind, in wheel chairs, etc. We had another Interpreter Workshop. We are going to meet at least once a month until we can establish a formal class. I meet with two of the deaf, Edwin and Grisel and train them how to teach the interpreters using Signing Naturally Level 3 book. Then they take the information and change it into LESSA (Salvadorian Signs). These interpreters have never had any formal training before so I think they are all enjoying it tremendously.
Bible Class: (bottom photo) Saturday and Sunday I teach Bible. Saturday I join the group who is studying for an equivalent of a GED. There I incorporate what they´re learning with the Bible. On Sundays I began teaching chronologically. We´ve grown from 4-6 students to 15-20 who are attending regularly, and it´s still growing. I´m so excited because they understand the lessons and we have great discussions afterwards. It´s still a challenge for me because I´m teaching not only in Spanish but LESSA. God is faithful in helping me with ideas to clarify each lesson.